Saturday, October 24, 2009

Possible Futures: Creative Thinking For the Speed of Life by Jude Treder-Wolff

Are you feeling like you are bogged down in this fast-paced world? Stuck in the day-to-day routine that has been the same for years? In Possible Futures, Treder-Wolff uses her experience and training as a licensed clinical social worker, creative arts therapist, and certified group psychotherapist to provide thoughts and ideas on how to break out of this mold, think outside of the box, and live a more creative life.

Within this book, there were many quotes or passages that were absolutely brilliant. For example . . .

"We need to focus as much on growing our inner worth as we do on our net worth. We need to be for ourselves, but not only for ourselves. We need each other."


When examining the differences between illusions and creative thinking . . . "Illusions are stagnant imaginings from which nothing new can grow. Creative thinking is active, intentional imagination, in harmony with the natural rhythms of change, moving through the emotional and psychological process of discovery and inescapable loss and epiphany."


"The key is to be identified by our authentic self, our passions and purpose, than we are by the external roles available to us."

There are portions of the book that were very engaging, providing the reader with realistic thoughts and advice. However, there are other portions that are hard to get through and I felt that some topics were more soap boxes and did not completely fit into the discussion at hand.

If I had to summarize the book as a whole, I would say this . . . The author took a creative route to providing much needed advice to many who may be stuck in their current way of life. If the layman can get through some of the more technical jargon, with the many references and borderline run-on sentences, they will have some tools that will only enhance their lives!

For more information on the book or the author, visit The Speed of Life website.

Want to hear other opinions?


  1. I had this on my read-a-thon pile, but didn't get to it. Will have to do that soon!

  2. J.T. . . . I look forward to hearing what you think!


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