Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Poe Fridays: Morella

This last week's pick for Poe Fridays (hosted by Kristen over at We Be Reading) was Morella. If you have yet to read the story, you can click here for an online version.

I believe that Poe had such a talent for wrapping up his stories so nicely, packed with a punch in so little words. In this sense, Morella does not disappoint! It may leave you with a "WHAT?" reaction . . . at least, for me it did! BUT, then I got to thinking . . . WEIRD!! Wife, child . . . one in the same? An interesting idea that just leaves me wondering!

Next Week (or rather THIS Friday): Bridal Ballad

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Poe Fridays!! I'm looking forward to someone else to talk Poe with each week. =)


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