Friday, July 24, 2009

My TBR Stack

This little meme has been going around where it has been asked for you to share a picture and/or list of your TBR (to-be-read) book list. Since I am so behind the times (at least I feel like it these days!), I thought that I would only partially participate with just a quick little pic! So, here it is . . . my physical TBR pile!!!! It's a bit out of control!! And to think that there is a whole other row behind these ones!! Yikes!! I won't even bother discussing my virtual TBR list!!

My husband has promised to make me a bunch of new book shelves for ALL my books! I'm used to having at least one bookshelf in my bedroom, but due to lack of space in my new home, I am unable to do that right now. He says he will also make me wall bookshelves to solve this problem!! I guess we will see if this will happen at any time in the future. Afterall, he is a bit busy these days!!

What's your TBR pile look like? Is it manageable or out of control?

And, just to pass on a little link love, I got this idea from Alexia over at Alexia's Books and Such. Just click here for her response and for more information on the real meme.


  1. My TBR pile fills the entire bottom shelf of my nightstand and then is two piles on the floor next to it. Oh, and then the pile of ARCs out here in the living room where I can see them and not forget to read them!

    My pile has grown by leaps and bounds since I started this blog!

  2. The positive side . . . you always have a choice in what to read!! :)


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