Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vampire Giveaway!!

Like vampires? How about the topic of the supernatural? Well, if so, I have got a giveaway for you!! J. Kaye over at J. Kaye's Book Blog is having a the book, Once Bitten by Kalayna Price. It is an advanced reader's copy of Price's debut novel and is receiving rave reviews. If you are interested in entering, click here. You know I did!!

On a personal note . . . my life has been a whirlwind since the last time I posted! We have finally found out where we are moving to and are now rushing to find an affordable home that we can move into in a little over a month. We head to our new area next weekend to actually view the homes. I've got a HUGE stack of books to review, many of which I have to keep renewing through my local library!! I hope to get caught up on many of these within the next week and just schedule posts to last during this busy time. We will see how it all goes. Wish me luck . . . :)


  1. Good luck on the move! I don't envy your one month time frame ...

  2. I hope your moves goes well. Did you know that we are going there to for our rotations? We'll have to start a book club!

  3. Kristen M. . . . Thanks for the wishes!! I just keep reminding myself to take it one day/task at a time!!

    Maren . . . So cool!!! I need to get your email and we can chat!!! I would totally be up for a book club!!


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