**From the Stacks Challenge**
Sebold bravely recounts her own vicious rape and the aftermath that results in her memoir, Lucky. She is honest in her writing, not afraid to write all her thoughts and feelings about her experiences, both the good and the bad, the sarcastic and the serious. She brings forth a wit and humor that lightens the mood and the read. She discusses how her life changed because of this one night when she was a young eighteen-year-old college freshman as well as how she seemed to have changed in the eyes of others once they knew her story. She talks about what it was like to be the victim, the survivor, and most importantly, the thriver . . . an individual that suffered an unimaginable act of violence, was changed by the act, and was able to move on with her life.
When I began reading this book, I honestly did not know if it was a book that I was going to be able to finish. The first chapter is the chapter that gives Sebold's account of the night of her rape, very factual with many details. It was a very difficult account to read and I asked myself more than once, "Why do I want to read this? Am I completely morbid? What am I doing?" However, I did continue to read . . . strictly because I am not a person to start a book and never finish it! So, I read on . . .
As I read the details and how the rape affected her life and others in it, my eyes were opened. I was often shocked at many of the experiences. For example, the bluntnes of which the paramedics and those in authority so freely shared details with complete strangers about what happened to Sebold the night of the rape. Seriously, whatever happened to a patient's confidentiality rights or an individual's right to privacy? It was heartwarming to read how so many accepted her unconditionally and yet, heartbreaking for the many who were unable to.
On the whole, it was a very emotional read, with ups and downs that are more complex than I can put into words short enough for this review. However, to put it simply, it is a book that I would recommend in a heartbeat to anyone and everyone . . . particularly, to anyone who may work with victims of a violent act. It is hard, but completely worth it!
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