Monday, January 28, 2008

Lost by Gregory Maguire

From the author of Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West comes a different sort of novel, Lost. You really do not get a different perspective from a character that we all have had some exposure to like in his past books (i.e., the wicked witch or an ugly stepsister). On the other hand, he tried to take a couple of different books and put a different spin on things. Instead, we get a look at a woman named Winifred Rudge . . . one whose grandfather is rumored to be the model for old Ebenezer Scrooge of Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Supposedly, there is also some mix of Byatt's Possession as well, but to be honest, I am not familiar with this story at all! Then, of course, another twist is added that involves good ol' Jack the Ripper.

Overall, when it comes down to it, I personally think that this is his weakest book thus far that I've read. I have only read a few, but this one left you hanging and asking lots of questions (even at the end). There is so much more depth to the characters that I know that he meant to hold off sharing, but it would have been easier for the reader to get connected to the book earlier knowing some of this information. It was an easy read for the most part, but just rather dull. It just didn't grab my attention like his other books have. However, with that said . . . I will still continue to read Maguire! Though I didn't really care for this book, the man has talent!! :) And, to leave the book on a positive note . . . I am intrigued to actually read A Christmas Carol and Possession. I was so intrigued by his first adult novel of Wicked that I went on to read The Wizard of Oz and that did help to clear up some confusion during my first reading of the witch's life. Maybe these books will help to clear up Lost and make the book more intriguing to me after the fact?!? I guess we will see when I finally get around to reading them! :)


  1. I just read a book called "Blink the Power of Thinking without Thinking". It was REALLY good! Did you ever get around to reading Freakonomics? It was a similar style.

    I am in the midst of reading Anna Karenina right, I am only on page 60 but for me it is a slow start, I am dissapointed already that Kitty turned Levin down. How does your blog work with books so far in the past, do you go back and check for new post?

    This obviously had nothing to do with Lost, but oh well :)

  2. I have yet to read either of those books, but Freakonomics is definitely on my list of things to read. I will add the other title as well! I think I've actually heard of that one before, so now I'm extra curious!! :)

    As for other books on my blog . . . you can go to older posts (it should be on the next page) or click on one of the categories in the sidebar. For example, Anna Karenina is under Classics. If you click on Classics, then it will be the only one to come up (at least for the moment!). Sometimes I have books listed under multiple categories to make it easier to find them. I would love to hear more of what you think about Anna Karenina! Levin was the only reason I continued to read it!! :)


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