Friday, October 26, 2007

Vote For My Next Book!!

I have now caught up on reading (or am currently reading!) all the books that have been lent to me and now I get to dive into my HUGE stack of books at home! I have promised my hubby that I will not buy any more books until I have read most of the ones that I have. (Yes, I am addicted to buying books!) Anyways, I am not sure which book to read next because so many look good and so . . . I want your opinion! To the right, you will find a poll. I have listed 5 of the books that I am trying to decide on right now for my next read. I will read whichever book has the greatest number of votes. So, tell me what you think!


  1. Well, I voted for Anna Karenina because it was the only book on your list that I recognized. :) But I've never read it.
    I am addicted to buying books too -atleast buying them at library booksales. I guess you could say I am addicted to library booksales. There is something so exhilerating about finding a treasure at a library book sale, and buying it for $1. :) In fact, I'm going to one tomorrow. I found some great books at the last two booksales I went to, including hardback beautiful copies of 1776 and Eragon! :) And some of my favorite author Madeleine Brent, who is a gothic romance author that is out of print, so you can only find her books used. So exciting. :)

  2. I love library booksales as well!! And, they have had some great ones here! I will keep a lookout for some Madeleine Brent books for you if you would like. Is there specific titles that you are looking for?

  3. I've heard the Memory Keeper's daughter is amazing! I love Anna Karenina though. You make me want to read it again!

  4. I'm reading the Memory Keeper's Daughter right now. I'm less than half way, but I really like it so far. So that's the one that got my vote!


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