Thursday, September 3, 2020

Weekly Blotter: On My Plate

My goal was to post every week.  I'm at about every other week, but I still consider that progress.  Afterall, before this, I published a post over a year ago.

Since it has been so long since I have truly checked in, I thought I would share what I have been up to.  Here is just a peak into what I've had on my plate lately . . . 

I moved into a new house.  One that is all mine.  Now, I just need to finish painting, unpacking, and finally getting my new office/library together.

I took on a project of renovating an old house.  I did not go into this little project with experience, so I have been learning a LOT along the way.

I have continued to organize activities, events, and education opportunities to discuss suicide prevention and awareness.

I took on the job of presenting webinars with a focus on mental health and self care.

I started freelance writing again.

I discovered Podcasts.  Starting small and playing catch-up on all that I have missed.

I chose to take the biggest leap of my life, and have gone on temporary leave from my full-time job.  Because I believe it is never too late to pursue your dreams.  

After a really rough reading slump, I have finally started reading again.  It's slow, but it is progress. 

And, to help really dive back into the blogging and reading world again, I've decided to participate in RIP XV and FrightFall Readathon.

What about you?  What have you had going on?  What have you been reading?


  1. Congrats on your new home!! That is very exciting and getting to fix it up means it will be entirely yours with all the little details you want for a home. Please share pics when you are able to!

    I am doing RIP too and almost through with my first book for that, Heart-Shaped Box. What a doozy it is. Joe Hill is hit or miss with me but this one is speaking to me.

    1. Ti ... Thank you!! I am super excited about my new house. Working on all sorts of projects with it right now, but I will definitely be sharing pics at some point.

      I really enjoyed Heart Shaped Box. I like what I've read of his work so far, but it is not very extensive. I have plenty more on my shelves that I need to get to.


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