Wednesday, August 29, 2018


As I logged into my account today, I realized just how long it has been so I have posted here.  I cannot believe it.  Since the last time, I have done a bit of traveling, have had some work done around my house, took a long hike, hung out with the family, and prepared to go back to work.  I have also been extremely busy working on organizing another Out of the Darkness Walk for suicide prevention.  If I'm being honest, it's been a bit more than busy; it's been chaotic!

Today, I hope that changes and at least a bit of routine helps me get back on track.  School started today, which means I'm officially back to work myself (though technically I started on Monday).  Now that school is back in session, let's hope that my writing falls into place as well.

As for the reading front, it's been slow lately.  I'm still plugging along, reading a variety of things these days:  a little Sherlock, Night Film on audio, listening to Mockingjay with my kids, trying to convince the kids to finally return to the sixth Harry Potter.  I try to get in a little each day before moving into the long list of things to do, typically wishing that I had some time to just sit down and read for an extended period of time.  Keeping my fingers crossed that the upcoming long weekend will allow me to do just that.

YOUR TURN:  What have I been missing this last month?  Have you been reading anything good these days?


  1. We were back to school last week but, as Z has a different schedule every day, today is our first Tuesday and next week will be our first Monday (and earliest day of the schedule). It's been interesting to say the least! I'm glad you are getting settled back in to your routine though. And I think I lost Z after Goblet of Fire. I wish he had finished the HP books!

    1. Kristen M. ... Why does he have a different schedule every day? I would totally get confused!!! And, why don't our kids love Harry Potter as much as we do!?!


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