Thursday, April 5, 2018

WEEKLY WANDERINGS: Snow, Snow Go Away . . .

Currently, it is snowing outside again.  It has been snowing almost all day.  And, it is supposed to continue to snow through the night and most of tomorrow.  I appreciate the snow and the moisture.  It will help the dry summers that we tend to have here in Montana.  I'm just ready for some rain and maybe some sunshine here and there.  I want spring!

On the reading front, both physical and audio tend to be lagging.  I have had another slow few weeks of reading.  I am getting little to no reading accomplished most days.  I think part of it is that my reading choices tend to be slow.  I also think that a large portion is because of my lack of time, and by the time I get home, I tend to crash.  Writing and blogging has been lagging for the same reason.

I have officially begun the final countdown of this school year.  I have 40 days left with the students.  This time of year is always bitter sweet for me.  I am ready for a break, yet I know that I will miss the students and the routine of the school year.  But this year . . . this year, I am really looking forward to the summer.  I look forward to some rest and relaxation.  I am excited for a number of adventures.  I look forward to a summer that is a little less scheduled and I get to hang out with my kids just having fun. 

So, this is me ready for the snow to just go away, for spring to come, and summer to get a little closer.  I am ready for more reading, writing, relaxing, and discovering new things with my kids!

YOUR TURN:  Are you ready for the spring and summer?  What is on your mind these days?


  1. I am totally with you on the slow book choice! I decided to read Dickens' Our Mutual Friend -- all 850-something pages of it -- and it is taking forever just to get started! Today I got the audiobook from the library so that I could make progress on it even when it's not convenient to lug a chunkster around. I will definitely feel accomplished when I finish it!
    We are on spring break right now and it has given me that yearning for summer freedom. I'm not quite to the point of counting days like you are though. ;)

    1. Kristen M. ... That's a great idea to get the audio while still also reading it. It will be an accomplishment when you finish it! Still counting down the days!! ;)

  2. It's been about 80 degrees here in So Cal. I am not looking forward to the heat of summer at all. Mainly because being in a drought is a viscous cycle. Dry brush > brush fires > a little rain > devastating mud slides. Repeat.

    1. Ti ... Oh goodness! You guys need some of the moisture that we are receiving, but not with all the mud slides that go with it. Scary!


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