Wednesday, August 2, 2017

WEEKLY WANDERINGS: Healing & Readathoning

Hello!!  Is anyone still out there?!?  It's been a while since I have posted, but I have still been reading.  And, I've got a good reason why I've been away for so long.

I have mentioned on social media that I had surgery a little over two weeks ago.  I have been saying that it has been a little procedure, but really it was a fairly big surgery.  My doctor has told me that I have restrictions for 4-6 weeks.  I have had some good days, where I probably overdo it because usually the next day is not so good and I just want to lay on the couch.  And, when I lay on the couch, I have been trying to get through GILMORE GIRLS (just finished Season 5), read, work on my many projects as I feel up to it, or sleep.  A couple of days ago, I finally ventured out for a little walk.  I didn't make it far, but I got off the couch and I will take that as progress.  I finally feel like I am beginning to have the energy to accomplish something, so I'm back and we will take it one step at a time.

Speaking of reading, I did participate in two recent readathons.  The first one was the two week High Summer Readathon, the second #24in48 that was over a weekend.  The #24in48 readathon did not go as planned.  I ended up spending more time sleeping since I was still within my first week after surgery, but I did get in a bit before crashing each day.  The High Summer Readathon went better.  My reading took a hit during the first week because of my surgery, but the second week was definitely better.  The events overlapped, but here are the numbers broken down for each.

#24in48 Readathon
197 pages

High Summer Readathon
939 pages
about 1 hour of audiobooks
a bit of dabbling in magazines

Not bad at all considering.  And, it's got me back to reading regularly, which is the best result I can get!

Hopefully, I will be back soon to chat more books with you.  I sat down and wrote a long list of posts I want to write for the blog.  Now, I just need to get to writing them!

How have you been doing lately?  Any great books or events you've been experiencing?


  1. It's good to hear that you're finally starting to get around! Although it's nice to have a reason to read and binge watch tv, that guilt, especially as a mother not doing what she normally does, never goes away, does it?
    Everything is going well here except that I really need to paint and I don't want to choose colors. You get stuck with them, you know ... ;)

    1. Kristen M. ... No, it does not! Add to that guilt the fact that I have a hard time sitting still for too long anyways, and you have a bad combo!

      Painting can be so much fun, but I always have a hard time choosing the colors. So many options!! Good luck!!

  2. Don't push yourself to hard. I say that as someone who messed up her thumb and keeps straining it over and over. Poor things never going to heal. I'm glad to hear your feeling a bit better and still reading lots. I look forward to your posts!

    1. Jenny ... This is seriously a piece of advice I am discovering that I need to remind myself of a LOT! Especially with the new school year about to start, I really need to remember that so I don't start the school year already half burned out!

  3. Reading regularly is the best. Slow and steady wins the race, but I hope you feel like yourself fully soon.

    1. Kailana ... So true! I'm getting back to myself a little more every day.


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