Saturday, January 16, 2016

Winter 2016 Mini Bloggiesta

I am getting a late start this morning, but I have still decided to join in the Bloggiesta fun this weekend!  I have so much I want to get caught up on and because I have a three-day weekend, I'm going to see how much I truly can accomplish on the blog, for my class, and around the house.

For those that are not aware what Bloggiesta is, it is a weekend (in this mini case) to set aside some time to work on cleaning up our blogs.  For more information, check out the devoted blog for sample to-do lists, challenges, etc.

This will be the list that I am working from this weekend for the blog:
  • Back-up Blog 
  • Back-up Template 
  • Catch-up on Emails (currently at 14)
  • Update Books Read in 2016 
  • Update A-Z Review Index 
  • Update BBI Blog Index 
  • Update BBI Guest Post Index 
  • Clean Out TO READ Notebook & Facebook Saves (currently at 160)
  • Catch-up on Blog Reading (Feedly currently at 643)
  • Catch-up on Reviews (too many to count!)

I have many other things on my overall to-do list for the weekend:  reading for my class, watching a movie or two for my class, taking notes for my class, completing some projects for work, cleaning out my garage, helping my daughter finally organize her room, and getting in a bit of fun reading for myself.  Oh, and I can't forget to mention that my boy is having a little sleepover celebration for his birthday and we are heading to see the Star Wars movie again!  And, I'm hoping to finally replace my stolen phone this weekend because I can no longer live without one!


Despite my slow start this morning, I've still got some high hopes for this weekend!  I will be posting updates on Twitter and hopefully, Instagram, but a full wrap-up will be shared here on the blog at some point in time on Tuesday.

Are you participating in Bloggiesta this weekend?  If so, what are your goals for the weekend?  If not, what do you have planned?


  1. Good luck! You certainly have a busy weekend planned! I hope you'll be having the extra Monday holiday to help you out! I don't even know what my Feedly looks like, it's been so long since I've checked it! Ack! Good luck on your list and have fun with all your weekend plans!

    1. Laurie C ... I definitely will be working through Monday! I'm gonna need it since yesterday did not result in much! :)

  2. Ah, I forgot to add a major backup to my list!

    1. Gwen ... There's still time to add it and do it!! :)

  3. Oh catching up on blog reading is a great idea! I may add that to my list :) Happy Bloggiesta!

    1. Steph Gorelenore ... Add it! The last few weeks I have not had a lot of time to catch up, so I hope to this weekend!

  4. Oh, wow, you are going to be busy, with blogging activities and life stuff. Enjoy!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow ... Thank you! It's actually been a really good weekend so far. Now, I just need to get some things accomplished! :)

  5. Wow! You certainly have a busy weekend planned! Hopefully, you'll be able to get to your list! Have fun!

    1. Candy @ So little time ... Thank you! I've been able to knock out a number of the items, but some I just didn't get to some of them. I will try a bit more tonight before officially wrapping it up for the weekend.

  6. Coming at this a little late, but how did you do? Did you get everything done?

    1. Michelle ... I didn't get to everything, but I did make a good dent in the list. I posted all about it here:


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