Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Giant Tortoise

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!

Yet another photo from the archives this week.  This one comes from a trip to the Reptile Gardens down the hill from Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.  I am completely fascinated by these beauties!

For more Wordless Wednesday selections, check out the dedicated blog.

Do you find the giant tortoise to be gorgeous or not so much?


  1. Aaaa but why is its NECK so long? It's SO LONG.

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... I was surprised by this as well!!

  2. I love giant tortoises and think that they're beautiful! And it's funny because I'm not normally a turtle fan, but there's just something about those big guys.

    1. Alexia561 ... They are amazing, aren't they?!? I wasn't quite so fascinated until I saw one so up close and personal.

  3. Extraordinary creatures - I'd love to see one up so close and personal one day.

    My Wordless Weds

    1. Brona Joy ... Definitely recommend it! BTW, your pic this week is gorgeous!


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