Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Maunder: A Never-Ending List

Welcome to another Monday Maunder!

Let me tell you ... this last week was so much better than the week before!  I have now written all the reviews for books that I plan on highlighting here on the blog.  I got in some good reading (be sure to check out my review of X: A Novel).  And, I checked off a number of other things on my list of things to do.  Woohoo!

BUT, have you ever noticed how when you keep a list of things to do, it just seems to grow rather than shrink?!?  I think I end up adding more items to my list than I cross off.  Why?!?  How am I ever to feel productive when the list keeps on getting longer and longer?!?

For example, this last week I got all those reviews written that I have been delaying.  Then, I added taxes, finalizing a family book that I am compiling, and getting registered for another Out of the Darkness Walk this summer.  All things that I really HAVE to get done!

And, to make matters worse, I found myself feeling like I have to cross off a certain number of items on this big ol' list before I can spend time on my different fun writing projects.  Or, spending time reading a good book.

Forget it!  Let's change that this week.  I still need to work on the items on this never-ending list, but I am promising myself a certain amount of time each day this week to work on my fun stuff.  Afterall, don't we all deserve a little fun each day?!?  Or, should I just add the fun stuff to my list, so I remember to make this time for myself?!?  ARGH!!!!

How do you manage your never-ending list of things to do?!?


  1. I try to break down my big list into short day-by-day chunks... but more and more often lately I'm just moving the unchecked tasks from today to tomorrow, until by the end of the week, my "short" list is a massive wall of text.

    So, um... sorry, no ideas here.

    1. Charleen Lynette ... I have always been okay with my list. It's a daily/weekly/monthly list, which seems more manageable to me. Except now! I'm hoping it is just temporary.

  2. Currently, I just write lists and tell myself that it will all work out in the end. I also find that writing it out on paper helps.

    1. thelumosrose ... You know, it usually does all work out in the end. That is true. I need to remember that and remind myself often!

  3. Funny how to-do lists always seem to grow, no matter how many items we cross off! I think writing down the fun things is a great idea, because all work and no play makes for a boring life. :)

    1. Alexia561 ... I really think I'm going to do this. It's a good reminder that the fun stuff is just as important!! We don't need that boring life! :)

  4. I like to make a braindump to-do list, which always includes the fun stuff. It's actually the main way I get the fun stuff done!

    1. Belle Wong .. I've never heard of this braindump to-do list. Maybe I need to give it a try myself!


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