Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Maunder: NaNoWriMo Check-In

Another week has come and gone, and I thought I would share a quick writing update for the infamous NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month).  Let's take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly.


The good part is that I am really liking where this story is going.  Some unexpected things have come out as I write.  I find myself thinking about my story frequently, wondering where I can take it next.  I have lots of plans for the characters.  I am having fun simply exploring the fiction and commiserating with my awesome writer friends every week.


The bad part is that I have had two projects come up that have taken my time away from writing.  The first is a book for a family reunion that I really should have had done two months ago.  Obviously, I didn't and I am feeling the pressure to get it completed before the holidays.  The second project is a newsletter for a little organization that I am a part of.  I was recently charged with the task of rejuvenating the newsletter and I am trying to get it out before Thanksgiving.  Thankfully, I am almost done and just need to have one thing finalized before I can complete.  Unfortunately, that one thing is not in my hands, so I am currently on hold.


The ugly part is my word count.  I honestly do not have my current word count.  I can tell you that it is more than the last time I checked in.  I can tell you that I am FAR from the 50,000 goal.  I am going to continue chugging away as time allows, and I will share my final word count once the month is up (probably in next week's monthly round-up post).  You can expect low numbers.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo?  How is your writing going these last days of the month?


  1. Tif, you've accomplished a LOT, and I hope you don't focus on the 50,000 so much as the fact that you've made good progress writing :) Life will almost ALways get in the way, and if you value any sleep at all, the word count is a difficult thing to achieve. I think I've mentioned before that NaNoWriMo is something I never plan to participate in, but for those who do, I hope it helps in some way :)

    1. ... Thank you! I will admit that I am happy with my progress, despite the low word count. No matter what, I have kicked this story up off the ground. That's more than what I have done in the last year!


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