Friday, December 13, 2013

Fables #17-18 by Bill Willingham

Back to Fabletown created by Bill Willingham!

Volume 17: Inherit the Wind

The evil Mister Dark is gone. The North Wind has disappeared. Buffkin has been captured. Rose Red is taken on a Dickensonian expedition. And, one of Bigby and Snow’s cubs is set to replace the King of the North. Inherit the Wind has a lot going on. I am most fascinated with what role Rose Red is taking next and which cub is set to take over the rule of the North. However, it is hard to not notice Buffkin’s tale and it has me curious what will happen next!

Volume 18: Cubs in Toyland 

In Volume 18, we focus on the cubs of Snow and Bigby, particularly Dare and Therese. When the latter receives a tugboat toy for Christmas, she is taken on an unexpected ride to a completely different world and the story takes a completely different turn than I never expected. I don’t know quite what I think about these turn of events, and am curious where Willingham will be taking readers from here.

Now, we wait! Snow White (Volume 19) is set to be released later this month. I will be requesting this one from the library as soon as I can!

Who else is all caught up with the characters of Fabletown? What do you think about where the latest volume ends?


  1. I'm way behind on fables but I bought a bunch of issues from their digital sale on Comixology . Ah ! Where things are going for snow and Bigby!! glad your enjoying them

    1. FICTION STATE OF MIND ... Where are you at in the series? I love Snow and Bigby!


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