Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Maunder: November 11, 2013


I finished a couple of books this week, but it still feels like my reading is on the slow side.  Time seems to be very limited these days as the craziness kicks in with other extra tasks on hand.  I try to sneak in as much as I can, but some days that time is only a mere 15 minutes.

Books Finished:  The Obituary Writer by Ann Hood and I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak.

Currently Reading:  Tell The Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (audio), and The Lemonade Wars by Jacqueline Davies (with my kids).

How is your reading these days?  Do you find it increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?


I got six reviews scheduled last week!  I'm in the middle of another review, but have a few more to go to be completely caught up.  Writing for the blog may be slowing down, but I am trying not to avoid it completely, so spend my evenings focusing on those tasks.  Some days allow it, others do not.  I live with what I got!

How's your blogging these days?


I have begun my first novel ever!!  This last week, I actually spent a large chunk of time outlining and sorting out a few details.  I even spent some time reminiscing over some of my old work, primarily poetry and short stories.  Needless to say, I spent a lot of time NOT writing and the numbers did NOT grow exponentially.  However, I am okay with this so far.  I realize now that I needed to do more planning BEFORE I sat down to write.  My planning is done now, though very loosely, so I am hoping for many more words to come this time next week!

For those keeping track, here are my current stats . . .

Weekly Word Count:  458
Total Word Count:  458
Days Spent Writing This Week:  3
Days Spent Writing Total:  3

Much of the days included above were spent in the planning stage.  I also discovered that I cannot expect perfection on the first time around.  I need to stop focusing on getting it right and just write!  I can work out the details and the perfection when I revise.  This week, I will be really focusing on getting words down on paper, and NOT focusing on getting it right the first time around!

How is NaNo going for everyone else participating?


The big news in life this week ... it's time for the Scholastic Book Fair!  Last Friday, I spent the afternoon setting up for the fair.  I am working at least one shift this week and will likely help to dismantle what is left of the fair on Friday.  After setting up all the books, I can guarantee that I will be bringing a stack of books home this week!  I loved Scholastic Book Fairs growing up and I still love them today!!

Do you have any great memories of the Scholastic Book Fair?  Are you now an adult volunteer thanks to that childhood love?


  1. I've read a ton of kids christmas books for my December event 12 Days then got sick :( doing a little better now and catching up on nano . I'm at 7k as of today :)

    1. FICTION STATE OF MIND ... I hope you are back to 100% soon! I've been feeling like a cold is coming on the last couple of days, so I am fighting it hard! Great job on NaNo so far and good luck in the weeks to come!

  2. Ready Player One! I really enjoyed that one. And while I don't usually do audio, that's one I'm tempted to listen to solely because it's Wil Wheaton, and who better to narrate a book like that?

    1. Charleen @ Cheap Thrills ... This is my first audio with Wil Wheaton. He's not my favorite, but he is still a pleasure to listen to! :)

  3. My reading always seems to "bunch up" this time of year. It slows down because of holidays and work craziness, but that just makes me want to read more, which means I start more books, but I finish more slowly. Vicious cycle.

    1. Andi ... I'm trying NOT to start too many books at once, though it is so tempting these days. A couple of months ago, I had 5 books going at once. That was just crazy considering I'm usually a monogamous reader!


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