Monday, October 14, 2013

Doctor Sleep Read-along: Chapters 7-13

It's Monday, which means that it is time to check-in on Dan Torrance in Doctor Sleep yet again!

Before I dive into the discussion, I want to remind you of the schedule, complete with links to past discussions . . . 

Monday, September 30:  Kick-Off Discussion
Monday, October 7:  Discussion #1 (Chapter 1-6)
Monday, October 14:  Discussion #2 (Chapter 7-13)
Monday, October 21:  Wrap-up Discussion (Chapter 14-End)

As the schedule suggests, we are discussing chapters 7-13 this week.  Please note that there will be **SPOILERS** for these chapters below.  If you have read further, please do not give anything away or talk details after chapter 13.

This week, Charleen of Cheap Thrills brings us some great questions, one of which I am really excited to chat about!  Without further ado, let's chat!

In Part One, we get to know Abra mostly through her parents or other adults. In Part Two, we get to know her much better. What do you think of this extraordinary girl?

Abra is definitely an extraordinary girl.  She has had to grow up being so different, trying to fit in.  There are times that she seems much younger than she is, and there are times that she comes across much older and wiser.  I am most fascinated with the fact that she has hidden her abilities from her parents for so long.  I think her mother has guessed that there is more than she was letting on, but her father was definitely surprised to find out that she really had not grown out of them.  I think that this had to be so difficult for her, yet glad she now realizes that she is not alone and has found someone to relate to on the shining level.

Do you have any speculations on what the True Knot are? We know how they sustain themselves, and we've seen the way they die. They're not, as Abra calls them, "ghostie people," but they aren't really human either.

Seriously, what are these people?!?  This is the question I got really excited about when Charleen sent them to me because I had written this very question down in my reading notebook with lots of question marks.  They are alive, yet not really.  They die and then disappear.  They share vampiric qualities, but they are not vampires.  King refers to them as "empty devils" throughout the story.  Is this is new breed of monster that King has imagined or was he inspired by something else?  I'm really curious about this one!  What do you guys think?!?

Considering that Chapter Thirteen is one of the most intense in the book so far, did anyone actually stop reading here? Or could you not wait to race on ahead?

I did stop reading, but it was with a lot of reluctance!  I knew that I had to pause and write this post before I moved on so that I did not give away any future details accidentally.  However, now that I have written this, I will be diving back in over the weekend and probably finish before this post even goes live.  The action has really picked up and I NEED to know how it ends now!!

Be sure to visit Charleen's blog and read all about her thoughts to these questions!  You can leave comments on either or both sites as well as link up your own personal post in the Mr. Linky below.  I will also be watching Twitter closely as we all near the end.  Be sure to keep us posted!

How is Doctor Sleep treating you so far?  Is it keeping you awake at nights?  Are you excited to finish it and chat next week about the ending?


  1. I admire your self-discipline! I wasn't a good read-along participant for this one. I blame it on my work life taking over my regular life for a while! I thought it was amazing how much control Abra has over herself, never giving in to what must have been the ever-present temptation to "tell" or show her friends what she could do.

    1. Laurie C ... I'm not sure you want to admire my discipline! I actually finished the book over the weekend! :) Abra is the one who has all the self discipline!

  2. I really don't want to comment on any of this because it's too hard now that I've finished the book not to give anything away!

    1. Charleen @ Cheap Thrills ... I completely understand! I have to be really, really careful in my comments this time around!

  3. I also was not a good participant and just read straight through. Reading it as an ebook also made it harder for me to keep the discussion schedule in mind. I really felt for Abra--how she controls herself in order to "protect" her parents and be a good daughter.

    1. Chris Wolak ... I think once you hit a certain point in the book, it becomes really difficult to set it aside and not read it. I finished the book over the weekend, so have to be careful in what I say this week!

  4. I couldn't stop reading either so you guys "caught me" with that last question :-) I loved Abra from the beginning, but this set of chapters - I focused on how Danny grew as a person and into his talent.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Tanya Patrice ... I'm thinking I really should have stopped this week's portion right after Part II. Chapter 13 really takes hold of you!

  5. I think I'm going to skip posting until next week because I finished the book! I couldn't help it!

    1. Chris bookarama ... Totally understand! I finished after writing this over the weekend, so am really having to watch what I write in comments this week! See you next week!

  6. I just posted the second read along update. A bit behind of course! I have finished the book and the ending was not love for me.

  7. My first post was corrupted so I had to repost it. The url is different. Please remove Book Chatter's first link above.

    1. Ti ... I can't wait to read your thoughts on the book. I will stop by later this evening after my kids are in bed to check it out and comment. And, your link has been removed!


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