Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Walrus Report: Adam Perry Lang, Sauce Celebrity Chef

It has been a long time since I have written anything; more than two months ago to be exact.  After my father died, I found it difficult to get back into writing anything beyond the ramblings of my mind.  However, as time has passed, I have decided that it is time to return to my writing, resulting in my first piece published for my freelance position over the weekend.

This time I had the opportunity to meet with Adam Perry Lang as he toured for his new cookbook release, Charred and Scruffed.  Since my husband is a fan of the grill, this was the perfect opportunity to attend an event together and you can read all about it in my piece on the Walrus Publishing website:  Adam Perry Lang, Sauce Celebrity Chef.

My favorite quote from the night was "cooking is a passport to the world."  Funny thing is ... I feel the same way about books in general, not just those that involve recipes!


  1. So cool that your hubby was able to attend too!

    1. 365andMe ... Agreed!! That doesn't happen often!


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