Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Synopsis: December 11, 2011

Once again it is Sunday night, and I sit here at the last minute writing my weekly wrap-up!  I always tell myself that I am not going to wait until the last minute, but for some reason . . . well, you get the idea!  With the holidays quickly approaching, my calendar is getting full with parties and last minute meetings and I really need to finish my shopping at some point in time!  Before you know it, 2012 will be here and I will be left wondering where another year has gone!

Speaking of time passing so quickly, I realized that I meant to post the winners of my Thankful Giveaway last week and never did!  All winners have now been notified and I am awaiting mailing information at this time.  Everyone has until Wednesday, December 14th to reply or I will "draw" another name.  For now, please join me in congratulating the following winners:


Not a lot of news on the reading front as I am currently in the middle of some reads and have not had much time to pick up a book these days.  I am hoping this will change over a long holiday break, but only time will tell (as usual).  We will be having an interesting change in our household coming up in a couple of short weeks, so my reading may or may not change.  I can't give you a lot of details at this time, but I cannot wait to share this fun news with you very soon!

That's all I've got on this late evening.  I'm off to attempt to read a bit before falling asleep.  Good luck with all your holiday parties, shopping trips, and reading!

Do you find yourself reading more or less around the holidays?  Do you switch up your reading during this time of year?


  1. I tend to read less during the holidays. There's just so much going on.

  2. Yes, I'm down to just reading one book at a time at the moment, and that's only in my breaks at work - wayyy too busy to read much at the moment.

  3. Normally I read more around the holidays (with more time off work) but I've been pretty busy this year so we'll see if days off translate into more books read or just more sleep! :)

  4. Carol ... There is so much going on! Some years I get in a lot of reading. Some years I don't. I think it will be the latter this year!

    Tracy ... How many books do you usually read at one time?

    lisa :) ... I will look forward to hearing the result this year!! :)


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