Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Synopsis: November 6, 2011

I'm baaaaack!!!!  The last couple of weeks have been crazy and due to a bit of traveling, I simply have not had the chance to be online or writing here on the site.  I am now back, however, and feeling more energized than ever to focus on my writing, both here and in general!

The biggest reason I have been absent is because I took a weekend trip to Orlando this last weekend.  I was there for a volunteer position that I have held the last couple of years, and I was handing over my reigns to someone new.  My time in this position has been amazing and so inspiring, but it has also come time for me to step down and focus my attention on things closer to home.  While I was there, I really did not get a chance to explore due to a packed schedule, but I was okay with that.  I have always imagined my time in Orlando being with my family, and they were not able to come with me this time.

I have also had a chance to get in a little bit of reading in my preparation for the trip, on the flight, and very, very little since I arrived home on Halloween.  I finished Hit List by Laurell K. Hamilton and have really been re-visiting some favorites during my teen years by Christopher Pike.

I really could go on and on about the last couple of weeks, but I would rather not bore you!  Let's just get to the usual monthly check-in on my challenges.  I will start first with the wrap-up of my first year doing the RIP VI Challenge and then move into the rest in list format.

The RIP VI Challenge was so much fun this year and I really have been inspired to keep on reading the books that I had originally pictured.  I was able to complete the challenge by reading four books.  My personal favorite of the list was Deadline by Mira Grant.  Reviews of all of these books will be coming in the near future.

The rest of my challenges are listed below.  It looks like I have completed or am close to completing a number of the challenges, though there are a couple that I really don't think I will be able to complete.  Oh well!  I still have almost two whole months left before I can really make an official determination on any of them!

I will leave my chatter at that, but now it's your turn!  What did I miss these past couple of weeks?  What are you reading?  What was your favorite RIP read?


  1. Welcome back, Tif!
    And I'd say you were doing pretty well with some of those challenges. I'm busy deciding on the couple of challenges I'm doing next year (more about that in the New Year :) - but I doubt they'll be 'official' ones)

  2. Tracy ... Thank you! I'm going to try to cut back on my challenges this year and make them a bit more unofficial. I look forward to seeing which ones you decide to do ... unofficially, of course! :)


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