Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sapphique by Catherine Fisher

During the month of April, I read Incarceron by Catherine Fisher for the Tales to Tomes Online Book Club.  As soon as I read that last page (even if it was for the second time!), I knew I had to get my hands on a copy of the sequel, Sapphique.  I had to know what would happen to Claudia, Finn, Keiro, and Attia.  Would those who remained in the prison ever escape?  Would we ever discover the mystery surrounding Finn?

Sapphique opens with a bit of confusion.  It does not immediately pick up where the first began, so it took me a while to adjust and understand just where and when the story was.  Thankfully, it did not take long to fall back into the world Fisher created, especially with a lot more action this time around.  Fisher's creatures and battles easily came alive in my mind with her brilliant descriptions.  For example, imagine this chain gang . . .
"There was something out there.  It lurched in the shadows.  As the light it carried flared up she glimpsed a creature, lumpy, as if it had many heads.  It clanked as if its body was made of chains. ... It has many voices, and its heads turned, hydra-like, to one another.  Then it began to lope raggedly, awkwardly, parts of it falling, being dragged, staggering up.  It yelled and swore at itself, bunched in a dark bristling mass.  Sword blades and flames gleamed in its hands.  Green aurora flickered over it."  (pg. 120)
Isn't that description so amazing?!?  I not only could vividly see the chain gang, but could also hear every lope.  The book is filled with these descriptions and I got lost within it every single time I cracked the spine.

As Fisher takes us into the darkness of Incarceron, traveling with Claire and Finn, taking risks with Keiro and Attia, and constantly wondering who the Warden is, I did not experience a dull moment.  As I read that last page this time around, and slowly closed the book feeling satisfied with the way the story ended.  And, I am feeling thankful that the duo is now a part of my personal library.  There is definitely a possibility for a re-read with these ones!

Have you read Fisher's tales?  What did you think?


  1. I haven't read Fisher's Tales, I never heard of it til now. I do like the prose excerpt you posted from the novel, great description, nice flow. I like the title too, Sapphique.

  2. I might have even liked Sapphique better than Incarceron -- maybe because Inc. was all about the set-up and then Sap. got to do all of the resolution.

  3. Lena ... I highly recommend the reads! They are different from anything that I have ever read before, but a GOOD different!

    Kristen M. ... I actually think I may agree with you on this one! This is definitely one of those where the sequel is better than the original!


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