Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is Armchair BEA?

The last few weeks, I have been talking a lot about Armchair BEA, and I have come to realize that not all of my readers may know what this event is!  So, let's do a quick FAQ!

What is Armchair BEA?

Armchair BEA was created in 2010 by a group of five individuals who were bummed to be missing Book Expo of America (BEA) in New York City.  This group decided that with today's technology, we could still experience BEA from the comfort of our own homes ... and Armchair BEA was created!

I was one of the original founders, and this is one of the events that I am most proud of being a part of!  This year, we have expanded our Armchair Team and I have listed this team for you below.  Be sure to check out these awesome folks, and be watching Armchair BEA Central for brief interviews featuring all of them!

Amy of My Friend Amy (new team member)
Pam of (new team member)
Chris of Chrisbookarama (new team member)
Chris of Book Dads (new team member)
Florinda of 3 R's Blog (original founder)
Katie of Mundie Moms (publicity team)

What happens during the week of Armchair BEA?

A variety of things are happening next week in honor of the event!  I am talking guest posts from our own team, authors, publishers, and more.  We will have vlogs from our own on-site correspondents and many surprise videos coming your way.  We will have daily posts for you to contribute to.  We will have blogger interviews.  We will have two different Twitter parties.  And, we will have LOTS and LOTS of giveaways!  For more information, I recommend that you view the recently published agenda.

I haven't signed up.  Is there still time for me to get involved?

YES!  Simply click on over to the Participant Registration Form, subscribe to the blog, and follow @ArmchairBEA AND #ArmchairBEA on Twitter to get the latest and greatest news and updates.  Begin planning your posts now if you have a blog of your own.  And, for my own shameless plug, be sure to do the same for all things Tif Talks Books to see what I have to say here as well (though I am posting multiple times over on the Central Site as well!).

What was this site again?

In case you missed it in any of the above questions via the links, here is the direct address to all things Armchair BEA:

I have more questions.  How do I get them answered?

Post them in the comments!  I will answer any and all questions for you!

See you at Armchair BEA!!!


  1. Do you guys know yet when the Twitter parties will be?

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work for you guys!!

    What day does BEA begin?

  3. Thanks for explaining that - I did wonder!

  4. Fabulous post Tif! Great summary and I think it will help quite a few folks. Thanks!

  5. Suey ... At this time, I believe they are scheduled for Thursday at 10-12 AM EST AND 8-10 PM EST. A post will be shared shortly on the central site. We are still working out a few of the details, particularly for the morning one!

    Peaceful Reader ... The official dates are Monday-Thursday, but there are some special activities on the surrounding dates.

    Tracy ... You're welcome!

    The1stdaughter ... Thank you and you're welcome! :)

  6. I needed to jump in on this, but have a bunch of reviews already scheduled to post for the first of next week. Hmm. Maybe I can jump in mid week?

  7. Becky ... You can jump in anytime! That's the beauty of Armchair BEA!


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