Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WISH LIST: Coffee with the Buddha by Joan Duncan Oliver

Coffee with the Buddha by Joan Duncan Oliver

Description (Google Books):  The earth trembles. Lions, tigers, and scorpions grow tame. Humans shower one another with kindness. Such marvels herald a wondrous event: Siddhartha Gautama, known as The Buddha. What knowledge would such a sage have to impart? The Way of the Bodhisattva becomes clear as The Buddha speaks here about suffering and the hardships of life (reminding us that help is always near), impermanence, reincarnation, karma, desire, morality, mindfulness, compassion, love, and the body.  Joan Duncan Oliver—editorial director of the One Spirit book club and contributor to Tricycle: The Buddhist Review—conducts the “interview,” while singer/composer Annie Lennox, a practicing Buddhist, provides the enlightening preface.

Recommended by:  Rebecca of Lost in Books

Special Notes:  I want to learn more about all religions!


  1. Oh, I wish for this one too. Love the cover and what it offers. Thanks, Tif for sharing!

  2. Peaceful Reader . . . You're welcome! :)


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