Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Synopsis: September 26, 2010

It's a true Sunday in September, a cool fall day that was perfect for reading!  I didn't get as much reading in as I would have liked this weekend, but I did get some in and that is what matters.  I have been in a bit of reading and writing slump lately, and I'm feeling (or hoping?) that I'm on my way out.  Only time will tell on this one, so we will see.  As we wait, check out the posts from this last week . . .

As you can see, not a lot there!  I'm hoping my slump will get a kick in the rear this week because I truly have beyond a stack of books to review and so much more!  The only glitch is I've got a multitude of other tasks that have deadlines this week.  We can only wait and see just how productive I can be.  If you just happen to have any excess productivity, please feel free to pass it on!!  I could definitely use it this week!!
In other news . . . if you are not aware, this week is Banned Books Week!  I would like to take this time to encourage you to go out and read a banned book!  I have been very vocal about my thoughts on banning and challenging books, and I am not going to stop now!  Take this week to challenge those who challenge!  I do not want someone else telling me what my children can and cannot read . . . that's my decision and I feel that many of those that are banned can teach an individual a valuable lesson or at least create some great dialogue among readers.  Afterall, communication is key to understanding and appreciation!  

Do you have any big plans this week, banned or otherwise?


  1. I've come to realize I go through a reading slump each year beginning in August and lasting until winter. Sometimes I get out of it before the year is over, sometimes not. This year is a really bad one and I don't have the support of book bloggers to help me. Not too worried since I have so much writing ahead.

    December will be when I take my writing break, so hopefully I'll be ready to read then. :)

  2. J. Kaye . . . I typically go through a reading slump here and there, but this time it just doesn't seem the same. I think the universe is trying to tell me that a bigger change needs to happen!! (I'm using your words!!) Just trying to figure out what that bigger change is!


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