Sunday, October 4, 2009

Click On Over!!!!

For those of you who are reading this through your Google Reader (or whatever your feed may be), I suggest that you click on over here for a visit these days! I decided that I just needed to kick my rear in gear and make all these changes that I have been talking about!! Yippee!!! So, what is it you will see that is different?
  1. NEW ADDRESS: What?!?! Yep, it is official!! You can now find Tif Talks Books at!!!! The old address will forward you to this new address, but you may want to officially make the change yourself just in case!!
  2. NEW DESIGN: I wrote about this a bit ago, but have officially changed my design. It's a little different from the picture in my original opinion post, so swing by when you can and let me know what you think!
  3. MENU BAR: I also have my new menu bar in place!!!! I've discovered it really is not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I have been postponing it for a couple of the labels that you will see appear!
  4. INDEX: I have now officially launched my new index of all the books that I have reviewed!!! It's only about a third complete at this time, but I was determined to get it live. When it is complete (hopefully, in the next couple of weeks!), you will be able to search alphabetically by author last name AND title!
  5. WISH LIST: I have started a new feature called Wish List!! This is basically my way of highlighting those many books that I want with title, author, description, and special notes for each. It is still not complete from all my back issues, but you will be seeing these pop up throughout the week as I catch up and find new books that I have to have!! (Additional bonus . . . a great list for my husband, other family members, and friends who wish to surprise me with a gift!!)
  6. REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS: From this day forward, I will be going in and adding links to my reviews from others that have reviewed the same book. If you have reviewed a book, I encourage you to leave me a link within the comment section of that review and I will add you to the list!!
  7. NEW PROFILE PIC: Last, but not least, I have changed my profile pic! I used to have my pic match my design. However, because I maintain a variety of blogs, I wanted to have something that was a little more me! I designed this new avatar that has many of my characteristics. My husband swears it really doesn't look like me. I think it is far from perfect, but you can get the basic idea . . . blond, blue-eyed, hair usually up in some fashion, book always in hand . . . that's me in a nutshell!! :)
Whew!!!! These changes have been a long time in coming and I still have some work to do to make them more complete, but is a good feeling to finally have them all launched and I am excited to hear which of these will be your new favorite of Tif Talks Books!! Enjoy!!


  1. It looks great, Tif! I just changed the address in my Google Reader. :)

    Now I want to make some changes on my site ... blah!

  2. Kristen . . . Fabulous!!! It's really a never-ending process!! I have more things I want to do too!! Just have to find the time and finish these ones!! :)


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