Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Midwest Book Blogging Party?!?!

The other day on Twitter, a brief conversation with Stephanie (from Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic) sparked an interest in me and I have been thinking of it ever since! We have recently seen, via the book blogging world, conventions and gatherings happening all over the country. However, I have yet to hear of one popping up in the Midwest, which just so happens to be where I am currently living. I feel like I am missing out and have decided to see what kind of interest I can generate for a Midwest Book Blogging Party!! If you are interested, please comment and let me know. And, while you are at it, maybe answer a few questions for me . . .
  1. What would be your ideal location? I'm thinking Chicago or St. Louis!
  2. When would be your ideal time? I'm thinking sometime in the spring!
  3. Would you be interested in helping me to organize this event? If so, please leave a valid email address and I will email you!!!

Can't wait to hear from you!! :)


  1. Link away!! I'm all over a Midwest Convention. And since I'm almost exactly half way in between Chicago and St. Louis, it really makes no difference to me. I'm familiar with both!

    I'll do a retweet of this link tomorrow as well!

  2. I miss the midwest. I love living in Seattle, but I miss Michigan. I would totally go if I still lived there...though personally I don't really consider Missouri to be Midwest. It might as well be the South. I mean, have you heard how they talk? ;)

  3. Stephanie . . . thanks!! I'm so very excited that you are in!! Who knows, maybe it will just be the two of us?!?!

    J.T. . . . It is so funny that you say that!! I come from the West and miss it so much!! I've lived in both Missouri and Michigan the last 4+ years!! With Missouri, I really think it can be split down the middle . . . southern MO I would consider south, but northern and central have a mixture of the two. I guess it really doesn't matter when it comes down to it though . . . I talk funny no matter where I live!! :)

    This gets me thinking though . . . maybe we should do St. Louis and catch some of the "Southerners" too?!?!

  4. yeay! I'm in Chicago, so I'd be all for a Chicago get together, I think (depending on when of course.)

    Saturdays would work for me; can't on Sundays.

    I send you an email!

  5. Rebecca . . . I just sent you an email back!!!! I would love to do either of these locations!! We need to chat some more!! :)


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