Sunday, March 1, 2009

Share a Story - Shape a Future

Share a Story - Shape a Future is a week-long blog event coming up in March that is "an opportunity to share ideas, encourage each other, and spread the word about children's literacy." A multitude of bloggers that are passionate about reading, sharing the love of reading, and promoting literacy among our young have developed this event and I cannot wait to see what they have to offer. The schedule of events looks VERY promising and I encourage all of you to head on over to check out their site and follow their progress! I think we will all find at least one useful piece of information from this event that we will be able to put into practice in our own lives!

Here's a summary of the topics to be highlighted March 9-13, 2009. For the detailed schedule, click here.
  • Day 1: Raising Readers
  • Day 2: Selecting Reading Material
  • Day 3: Reading Aloud - It's Fun, It's Easy
  • Day 4: A Visit to the Library
  • Day 5: Technology and Reading - What the Future Holds

Check it out!!

Share a Story-Shape a Future image created by Elizabeth O. Dulemba


  1. Thanks for helping spread the word about Share a Story - Shape a Future. Your quote by T. Jefferson is one of my all-time favorites. It seems so apropos for the event!

  2. No problem!! I've very excited about the event myself!! Thanks for organizing!!


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