Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Good Liar by Gregory Maguire

The year is 1940 and France has fallen to the German army. But to Marcel and his two older brothers, Pierre and Rene, the war seems far away from their tiny village of Mont-Saint-Martin. They spend a happy summer fishing, playing soldiers, and holding contests to see who is the biggest liar. Then the Germans occupy their village – and Marcel and his brothers learn who is the best liar of them all.

Before Maguire became so well known for his first adult novel, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, he wrote books for young adults, including this title. The Good Liar is a work of fiction that attempts to explore World War II from a French perspective. It is written more as a recollection, a letter to a young bunch of girls working on a school assignment. It’s a simple read with wit and humor. It provides an interesting perspective and overall, is an enjoyable read. I will admit that I do prefer his adult fiction though!

The most important result from this book for me, however, was the opportunity for the younger generation to connect with their elders. Maria, Meg, and Reenie-Tawnetta were able to share in Marcel’s story. If a child is entertained by this story, just think how entertained s/he could become by their own grandmother or grandfather’s stories that are true!! What I see is an opportunity for the young adults to spur up conversations with their elders, to get the “real” scoop on their lineage and the long-ago adventures!

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check that out! I've read Wicked & other books by G. Maguire.
    Beth Fehlbaum, author
    Courage in Patience, a story of hope...
    Ch. 1 is online!


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