Monday, May 19, 2008

The Best of 2007

I was just perusing some sites and came across the New York Times 10 Best Books of 2007. I was checking out the list and realized that I have not only read one of them, but have not heard of any of them!! Has anyone heard about or read any of these books? If so, which ones and would you recommend the read?

Then on the same page, I clicked on 100 Most Notable Books of 2007. The result for me . . . ONE!! And, if you looked at the list, I am sure that you could figure out my one in a heartbeat . . . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!! Other than that, nothing!!


  1. Same for me! Harry Potter was the only one I even recognized. I guess I better get reading.

  2. Since we seem to read the same books most of the time, I was right there with you! Only Harry Potter for me but at least it was a good one to have read right!


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